The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 104: Update XC - Question for Saber

Update XC - Question for Saber

This update covers the events of Update LXV to LXVI.

Music: Duel - Friend Turned Foe

And almost as if it was never there, the program sent to kill us vanishes. The bond that we share...even if it's against the rules, I will not allow it to be destroyed.

Saber thrusts out her chest proudly, looking more beautiful and steadfast than ever before. ...Unfortunately, her arrogance seems to have increased a hundredfold as well.

She's right. Even as we speak, Leo may have already taken possession of the Holy Grail. What we've faced just now was only one of many obstacles. We haven't even gone beyond the first floor yet. But one thing I can say for certain, what I now have with Saber is more precious to me than any treasure.

Do you plan on continuing your exploration of the Arena? Be sure to not to let your guard down, Master.

And a level before I leave.

Music: School III

Music: Down to Dawn

Every Servant's Level E Matrix unlocks today. All Nero needs is just to keep up with her yellow chats, as Week 6 ends with her promising that she'll answer any question next time.

...That's right. This is the last calm before the storm, and the last time we can talk together. In that case, I want to know more about the life that led to her becoming a Heroic Spirit.

Yes, I promised to tell you. It is a long story, so bear with me.

Don't be so stiff! Never fear, the tale of my sordid life will not bore you.

Saber gives a small smile, and launches into her story. This is the story of the birth and death of the infamous Emperor Nero.

Music: Ending

The first turning point of her life was with her mother's debauchery. Nero's twice-widowed mother married the emperor, her uncle, in order to make her child the next emperor. In an extreme measure, she murdered the fourth Roman emperor, Claudius, and Nero ascended to the throne.

Nero decided to take issue with the depraved government and the privileged senate. History records she was a tyrant who led Rome to decay, and she was, but it neglects to list her reforms. After claiming the throne, Nero gave out money to all citizens in celebration. She then abolished all indirect taxes. When the senate attempted to thank her, she refused, telling them they could do so when she had earned it. What terrible irony it is that her humility would be overshadowed. The path to her reforms was rife with thorns. Conflicts with the senate erupted over the unification of the Roman Empire's troublesome provinces. On top of that, her conflicts with her mother Agrippina became more pronounced. Nero's mother Agrippina, only saw her as a tool to become the mother of the emperor.

It was 59 A.D— The year Nero's reputation as a tyrant was cemented.

I suffered chronic hysteria from constantly using a silver cup, but it was not as bad as they say. I had been poisoned as a child, so as not to defy my mother. I was given the antidote in tandem. My mother took the antidote with her to the grave, and so I lapsed into a fevered delirium.

...Saber speaks indifferently about a childhood filled with poison and lies, and her struggles as emperor.

...And then, she drove her sole mentor, the philosopher Seneca, to suicide. Thanks to her own selfish actions, Nero had become a monster to her relatives, while she boasted of popularity with the masses.

He was a fatherly sort of man in general. Over and over, I told him I would forgive him. However, he ended his life in my house, disbelieving my words. ...I am guessing on what Seneca thought. Historical fact would be more accurate. Next came the Great Fire of Rome. You should know this story already, Master, so I will omit it. ...Hmm? Then I suppose all that remains would be my last moments.

Perhaps I still trusted Vindex, who incited the rebellion. More likely, I was in despair, and wished for everything to go away. Vindex would remain opposed to me, and two years later, he incited another rebellion. The senate drove me off the throne, and called me a traitor. I had devoted myself to the people. They liked my policies, after all. Trusting them was my greatest error. I thought that the people would not consent to my abdication. However, they said nothing. Nothing. There was no uproar. And then—

I cannot kill myself. I do not want to die. I have done nothing wrong. Over and over, she muttered that. ...Finally, after much hesitation, she declared she could run no more, and cut down her own life.

Did she grieve her own setting sun? Did she despise the rebellions? Or— Did she curse the Roman people for abandoning her, after she had devoted so much to them?

...Hmm, it was my greatest error to love them in a way that they could not understand.

Love...? So, she did love her people, but what couldn't they understand?

...Yes, it seems my love took a different form than theirs. My heart glowed with love grander than that of my people. My love was selfish. When I gave it, I expected something in return. Something beautiful. When I loved, I wished to be responded to with the flame of entire souls. But, the love the masses embraced was something much more tender. I did not see that.

...No, I recognized it. But, then what they called love was foreign and incomprehensible.

...Knowing her, I at least have a vague understanding how her love and the people's love differed. Her love burnt out offering and devoting everything. Her passion burned brightly, without regard to permanence. Nero loved her citizens as she thought was right. But, the love her citizens proffered was different, and the difference invited Nero's fall.

I regret that I could not share in the love that the masses embraced so naturally.

...Saber gazes out the window, a faraway look in her eyes. Perhaps she was thinking of the red sky and setting sun she saw in her last moments. If she couldn't share their love, then she must have been alone. ...While this woman could love more than any other person, she could not experience the joy of being loved. Her lavish expressions of love were not enough to satisfy her people. In the end, unloved, she tried to push the dagger into her own throat again and again—

But, death is frightening! It hurts! I won't have it happen again, and you should not suffer it!

...I sense a lie. I don't think pure fear of death dictated this woman's hesitations. She struggled because she didn't want to die, didn't think she had done any wrong, but really , she didn't want to disappear because...

That was it. She couldn't bear the thought of dying without anyone loving her.

Music: Down to Dawn

What a good life it was, perhaps better for the deviations. My soul burned brightly, if nothing else.

...Fond reminiscence plays across her features. She has made some peace with a life filled with betrayal, suffering, conflict and misunderstandings. ...If I were a knight, I would genuflect and kiss her hand. All that stuff about magic circuits and sword techniques aside, this woman is a truly a Heroic Spirit. It's impossible not to deeply admire such a person for making peace with a soiled life.

? Why are you nodding to yourself? Have you stumbled upon some manner of worthwhile thought?

Of course. All this time, I've been protected by her strength, but one day, I wish to become her equal. I want that more than anything.


Nero's Level E just nets us one final skill.

Royal Prerogative (EX) posted:

In response to the demands of a Master, skills that would otherwise be impossible to perform can be used for a short period of time. Some of the skills that can be acquired through this ability include those related to riding, weapons mastery, fine arts, military strategy, and diplomacy. Should an A rank be achieved, more esoteric skills become obtainable.

Better known under its retranslated name: Imperial Privilege.

It isn't mentioned in-game, but this skill is the reason Nero's a Saber to begin with. Extra was still early enough in Fate's history that Servants needed sky high stats to be a Saber, and Sabers are the strongest class, so Nero just used this to brute force her way into the class as there's no way she of all people couldn't be one.

Talk to Rani.

More Strength.

Talk to Leo.

And into the Arena.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

A sea that glistens gold under the tender touch of a brilliant sunset— A stage fit for crowning a king.

Off to the midpoint of the floor.

Music: Fear

I can sense that Leo has entered the Arena as well. His aura isn't malevolent like Julius's or sharp like Rin's. The pure, unclouded flow of his magic makes me think of the sun shining in a clear blue sky.

Isn't it reckless to head into battle? Still, it will help to see Gawain in action.

Yes, my lord!

He is the stronger knight. I pray the Fates are on my side!

—There he is. When we reach where a passageway empties into an open space, Leo appears at the other end. I exchange a quick glance with Saber before we jump out in front of Leo. To his credit, Leo doesn't react, other than smiling like he just ran into a friend.

Nice to meet you, Saber. I look forward to fighting you from the bottom of my heart.

Your speech knows no humility. Contrary to your boastful words, your sword will not reach my king. As long as my lord lives, this holy sword cannot break.

Hmm, despite a good chunk of dialogue being the same, the scene plays out a bit differently between Servants. Tamamo had some more words with Leo.

When I am drunk, I boast of myself, but you are dead drunk on servitude. Do you not realize this?

Truly, he is a knight imbued with the power of Helios. That was no falsehood...

Music: School III

I swear there must be a trick behind it. We must find out—or the upcoming Elimination Battle will be short. What? Four days remain. You have overcome greater obstacles, so why not this as well?

Next time: We deal with Leo.